Benefits of working overseas

Beneficios del trabajo en el extranjero

In the labor market there are several options for those professionals interested in increasing their prestige and broadening their horizons, however, one of the most valued is to move to a foreign country, where they can practice their profession and/or specialty.

Undoubtedly, the idea of working abroad fits perfectly with the global dynamics, characterized by great mobility and exchange, mainly in productive sectors. As a result, working outside our country of origin is easier compared to a few years ago, when legal, juridical and cultural barriers hindered the fluidity that we appreciate today.

The whole world is really within our reach and the distances to expand our professional prospects are no longer a problem, it’s just a matter of taking the first step.

And you, are you ready to go for it, if so, keep an eye on this publication.

Working abroad

  1. More and more people understand that a job abroad is the best opportunity to develop professionally and in a comprehensive manner, even some studies have shown that 80% of some generations are willing to leave their country to obtain new life experiences.
  2. Most of the professionals between 25 and 40 years old have no objection to consider leaving their countries and know that part of their progress depends on their open-mindedness to face new cultural challenges.
  3. On the other hand, some experts point out that those who have experience in two cultures have a greater vision about everything and tend to be more creative.
  4. So working abroad will not only provide you with more professional skills, but will also give you the tools to adapt to diverse groups, and thus develop creative processes with ideas that you did not know before.
    Another benefit is that it will help you build a global network of friends and contacts (networking), because you will be interacting with a wide group of people of different nationalities, thoughts and education.

Consequently, as expatriates become more confident in their new lives, they become more outspoken and tolerant of other cultures, acquiring an enormous capacity to overcome any barriers and learn in a constant and sustained manner.

In the end, all these qualities will influence your communication skills, making you a better professional, employee and citizen.

We recommend: How to get a green card as a professional?

There are some challenges to face if you want to get a job opportunity abroad, however, it is just a matter of not leaving things to chance, because although it is one of the best opportunities you have to grow, it is still necessary to define a goal and plan well.

  • Be well informed about visas and work permits.

Your dreams may be dashed if you do not meet the minimum requirements stipulated in that country to be able to enter and work legally.

You may be interested in: Tips for applying for a visa to the United States by EB2 USA

Research in detail about the cost of living, how to find a job, a roof over your head and what your salary will be.

Something that is really important is money, since your livelihood and everything that goes with it depends on it. So spare no effort in knowing how to find a job in the place of your interest, know the average salary in that field and compare it with the cost of living, this way you will know how much money you will have left after covering expenses (rent, taxes, utilities, among others).

Take into account the possible free time you will have

It may not be important, but a big part of the reason for moving abroad is to enrich yourself with its culture, but beyond that, you should know how many days off you are entitled to, not only for recreation but also for health issues.

Build a network of contacts

It is a point of extreme relevance in which luckily you will not have to travel to constitute it; start using some social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter to meet more people within your area, participate in forums, join groups and when you enter in confidence, ask for help, opinions or advice. Without reservation, we can say that it is the perfect strategy to open doors in the working world.

Take note of how to present your resume and cover letters, as well as any diplomas and certificates you may be asked to present.

Make sure you comply with all the formalities of that country, finding out the design of the resume and cover letter, as well as the certifications for your knowledge and work experience (remember to include your language skills).

  • Have a plan B up your sleeve

Without minimizing your interest, it is always good to have an alternative strategy if things don’t go well. Therefore, it is ideal to know how much money you should save as a reserve fund for hard times.

Working and living in the U.S. on the EB2 visa

If you have set yourself the goal of working and living in the United States, with the use of the EB2 visa, you should know that this type of visa is one of the most popular, as it allows U.S. companies to hire a professional with a higher degree or a person with exceptional abilities, and then become a legal permanent resident.

This type of visa is classified in three ways:

EB-2A: individuals with advanced degrees or degrees.
EB-2B: professionals with exceptional ability
EB-2 National Interest Waiver

In the case of the EB2 National Interest Visa, it is based on employment available to non-U.S. citizens who possess an advanced degree or what is considered an exceptional ability.

That is, it is available especially to those who work in specialized fields, with doctorates, business administrators, or educators with extensive backgrounds, and whose professional endeavors are of vital interest to the United States.

In short, working abroad is a bet to go straight to success, which in addition to giving you the opportunity to increase your income, is the master key to develop your professional career and boost your personal growth.

If you are looking to make your way to work in the United States, contact us and schedule an appointment with our immigration specialists.

Beneficios del trabajo en el extranjero

Benefits of working overseas

In the labor market there are several options for those professionals interested in increasing their prestige and broadening their horizons, however, one of the most

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